
"Sunny Homo" - Whitefish Review Issue #22 The Stories We Tell - Winner of the 2018 Montana Award for Fiction (Print)
"Crosshatching" - AZURE: A Journal of Literary Thought - Winner of the 2017 Lazuli Literary Group Writing Contest
"The Story" - Mikrokosmos Journal
Excerpts from "Crosshatching" - Small Orange Journal
"The Watchers" - AZURE: A Journal of Literary Thought (Nominated for a Pushcart Prize)
Excerpts from "Crosshatching" - The Grief Diaries
"More Like A Waffle" (Part 1) - KGB Lit Journal
"Blackbird" an excerpt from "Crosshatching" - Cider Press Review
"77 Likes" - Litro Online
"Baskets" - Equinox Literary Magazine (Print)
"Julie" - First Place in The Writing Room’s September Short Story Contest

”Protest Poetry: Art as Activism in the Classroom” - Chalkbeat
”A Revolutionary Act: Self-Care for Teachers” - Kiddom
”Social-Emotional Learning through Art in Times of Crisis” - Kiddom
”Reading Your Work In Public: 12 Tips From A Reading Series Founder” - Writer’s Digest
”Citizen Uncensored: The Power of Student-Centered Learning” - The Writer’s Notebook, Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP)
”A Beginner’s Guide to the Internet for Podcasters” - Discover Pods
”The F-Word: On Teaching, Practice, and Conquering Fear” with Benji Hom - Teaching Artist Guild Magazine (Issue 15)
”On the Importance of Having a Community” - C.S. Lakin’s Live Write Thrive
”Creating A ‘Real Life’ Podcast Community” - The Podcast Host
”Reading Across America: How Do You Take A Reading Series To The Next Level?” - Literary Hub
"Make It Fun" - Fiction Southeast
"I Don't Feel Well: A Teaching Artist's Journey Through Healthcare" - NYC Arts in Education Roundtable News
"Cross-Organization Collaboration" with Jordan Dann - Teaching Artist Guild Magazine (Issue 10)
"I Hate Writing: On the Necessity of Being Vulnerable" - Teachers & Writers Magazine - Winner of the 2017 Bechtel Prize
"Girls Writing: A Radical Act in Donald Trump's America" - WhatNOW: National Organization for Women's NYC Blog
"Journal Writing to Define and Defend the Self: Carving Out Space in this New America" - Teachers & Writers Magazine

Reviews & Interviews
”Interview with Melanie Finn” - Full Stop Magazine
"Mr. Either/Or by Aaron Poochigian" - Litro Magazine
"Assume the Safety Position: A Review of Michael Konik's Year 14" - Atticus Review
"We Are All Cannibals: A Review of Myriam Gurba's Mean" - Atticus Review
"The Gift by Barbara Browning" - The Collagist
"Sad Little Dream: A Review of Calder Lorenz's One Way Down (Or Another) - Litro Magazine
"The Complicit Reader: A Review of N.J. Campbell's Found Audio" - 3AM Magazine
"False Starts: On Patty Yumi Cottrell's Sorry to Disrupt the Peace" - 3AM Magazine
"Commit to Looking: A Review of Caits Meissner's Let It Die Hungry" - 3AM Magazine

M.K. also writes and edits for various organizations and websites like the Teaching Artists Guild, Creative Generation, Community-Word Project and the Teaching Artist Project (under Katie Rainey), covering a variety of issues dealing with arts education, teaching for social justice, professional development and the field of Teaching Artistry in general. 
